Our organization is only as strong as our connections to one another. Thanks to our beautiful rivers, our suburbs are sometimes 30 minutes or more apart, but with a little coordination our babies, toddlers, youth, and adults can get together and Hang Out! Many of us already have a good number of peer friends, but what has resonated is the infrequent opportunity to visit.

Friends made within the Down Syndrome community are relationships that can endure a lifetime!
To join any social group, check our calendar for events coming up. Make sure you have filled out our Contact Form so that you are contacted whenever an event that pertains to you or your aged child is happening. If you want to organize an informal park or coffee shop meet up, just contact us and we can get the word out to those in your area.
Want to be connected with another local mom or dad in DSAL or specifically one with experience in something you are facing? We can make that happen. Just let us know!
If you have never participated in one of our events (large or small) and you are nervous about not knowing anyone or being overwhelmed, please know that we have all been where you are. No other group is going to be more "come as you are" than ours. That little extra chromosome is a membership card into a very welcoming family.