Superstars at Charleston Children's Museum~
The Children's Museum is open before hours from 10:00am -12:00pm the second and fourth Sundays of every month for children with special needs and their families to visit the Museum for FREE. Children are able to explore and play in the Museum without the crowds and over-stimulation. This program is FREE, but registration is required below. Questions? Please contact Jason Dodd at 843.853.8962 x222 or jason@exploreCML.org .
At the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry, play is learning and learning is play. CML believes that play is essential to the educational development of ALL children, regardless of challenges such as autism, developmental delays or physical disabilities. CML has proven to be a critical partner for the special needs community. Participants come from across the Charleston Tri-county area at the suggestion of their doctors, therapists, teachers and hospitals. CML’s Education Committee developed the SuperStars! program with special education teachers, hospitals and organizations that help improve the overall wellness of special needs children.
The FREE SuperStars! program is offered twice monthly on Sunday mornings for two hours at no cost to families. Special needs partners ensure a stimulating experience and lead planned activities that are designed to encourage participants to learn through play at their own pace, build self-confidence and discover their natural talents. Using CML as an alternative play environment, children can hone fine and gross motor skills through play, learn forces and motion in RaceWays, explore a multi-story medieval castle and shop for “real” groceries.
The Children's Museum of the Lowcountry is located at 25 Ann Street, downtown Charleston.
Monkey Joe’s does a special needs night the first Tuesday of each month from 5-7pm
Peace Love Hip Hop Walk Up Class on DI (843) 732-6239

Social Squad
Social Squad - A social group with Goose Creek Rec for people with intellectual and physical disabilities over the age of 15. Contact Adam Snider for information.
Unlimited Possibilities
Unlimited Possibilities Mentoring Services LLC is a private agency that provides services for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental challenges, ages eight to adulthood. The mission of Unlimited Possibilities Mentoring Services LLC is to provide guidance and mentoring for individuals with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities. Our goal is to provide these individuals with needs-based activities, skills, and coping mechanisms in order for each participant to become as independent as possible in life skills with our assistance.
Beyond BASIC
Beyond BASIC assists adults with intellectual disabilities in becoming contributing members of society by providing a program that enables independent living skills beyond the basics. Our curriculum provides tools and develops skills in an individualized program that fosters independence to the fullest extent while advocating a movement for inclusion within the community.
Therapeutic Recreation and Unified Sports
Therapeutic Recreation is the practice of using purposeful recreation and leisure to address the specific needs and goals of everyone in our community, no matter the ability. We believe that every person should be able to participate in recreation activities with no issues, barriers, or hindrances. Our programs take a holistic, inclusive approach that provides a positive environment for every participant to learn a new skill or sport, be more active, develop social skills, and have fun!
Unified Sports are inclusive sports programs that combine an approximately equal number of Special Olympics athletes (individuals with intellectual disabilities) and partners (individuals without intellectual disabilities) on teams for training and competition. Smaller fields and modified equipment may be used to ensure fairness and safety for all.

The Miracle League
The Charleston Miracle League makes memories by providing a life-changing experience for children and adults with mental and physical challenges through a community supported baseball league. Our children and adults leagues play in a state-of-the-art complex built specifically for them. In addition, the CML teaches volunteers of all ages, who typically serve as buddies for our players, the value of giving back to others and their community.
There is a Summerville Miracle League locally as well.

Heart Inclusive Arts Community
HEART is an innovative arts and theatre company that provides mentorships and community engagement for adults with special needs who want to develop and identify as artists. HEART creates high quality collaborative art and shares it with the community.