Buddy Walk FAQs
Date: Our walk is Sunday, Oct 20th, 2024
Where: Etiwan Park, Daniel Island, SC
Time: 12pm-4pm, the walk itself will be at 3pm
Cost: Registration is $12 if you register in advance online and $15 if you register at the event. Registration includes a t-shirt and event activities, and it makes each registrant eligible to win online and fundraising prizes. Participants with Down Syndrome can register for free!
What will Buddy Walk look like this year?
We will have face painting, jump castles, arts and crafts, food, and live music on stage. At 3pm, we will do our usual walk through the neighborhood led by marching bands and cheerleaders. Stay tuned here and on social media for updates on event activities!
Why are we raising money?
A portion of the funds will support the National Down Syndrome Society but the rest will serve as our budget for the year for all of the events and opportunities for our DSAL members. See more here.
Do I have to create a team?
Many families create a team celebrating their family member with DS. You do not have to create a team but it is a great way to get friends and family members involved in the day. Donations can always be made directly to DSAL on the main Buddy Walk page and need not be tied to an individual team. Multiple DSAL families are welcome to make a joint team together as well.
Do we have to make team t-shirts?
Whether your team makes its own shirts is up to you. When people register for the walk, that will include a buddy walk t-shirt. Some teams make team t-shirts, and what or if you charge your team members for them is up to you. Everyone who registers by September 30th for the walk will get a buddy walk t-shirt.
How do I create a team?
Go to our Buddy Walk home page. Click on “Register”. This will walk you through the process. From there, you can add personalized information to your page (story, picture, etc.) and set a fundraising goal. For detailed support on personalizing your team page, click here.
When your page is completed, you can share the link to your Team Page on social media or email it to friends and family. With that link, folks can donate to DSAL under your team, join your team (this registers them for the walk), and even create a personal page for themselves to fund-raise for your team.
If you run into trouble with creating your team, please let me know at dsalowcountry@gmail.com.
Where do we park? Can I drive onto the grass for set up and unloading?
There are 620 spots available in the paved Bishop England High School lot. Overflow parking will be in surrounding DI neighborhood.
We absolutely cannot drive or park on the grass at the walk/Etiwan Park, even to unload. Please plan accordingly.
What do we do the day of the walk?
Many families set up a tent around the park on the day of the walk (set up starts at 10am and volunteers will direct you as to where to set up). Many teams will send a person or two to set up their spot at 10am and then come back with the family/team closer to noon. This gives you a great place to set up a home base for stuff and an easy place for your team members to find you. On the day of the Buddy Walk, you will pick up wristbands and t-shirts for anyone who registered for the walk under your team. They can then get those items from you. People are welcomed to register for the walk on that day as well. There will be registration tents set up where people can do that. There will be music on stage, arts and crafts, etc. throughout the afternoon. Lunch will be provided (usually hot dogs and chips, free with registration). Around 3:00, everyone will line up for the walk through the neighborhood often cheered on by local high school marching bands and cheerleaders. Feel free to make signs and bring whatever flair you’d like in order to show off your team.
Please stay tuned on our webpage, Facebook, and Instagram for social media challenges and other fundraising incentives!