To register, create a team, and help raise funds for DSAL, go to our registration page.
We are excited to be holding Lowcountry Buddy Walk 2024! We have jump castles, face painting, arts and crafts, food, and live music to entertain us!. At 3:00, we will all walk together through the neighborhood to celebrate our teams and favorite buddies. As always, our annual Buddy Walk mission remains the same:
- spreading awareness of our friends and family with Down Syndrome and everything that they bring to the world
- raising money to help DSAL's efforts to support our members with DS and their families
Registration will include this year's t-shirt and any event activities, and it also makes each registrant eligible to win online and fundraising prizes. Shirts can be picked up by team captains at the registration tent at our Lowcountry Buddy Walk. As in the past, our members with Down Syndrome can register for free.
If you would like this year's Buddy Walk t-shirt, please register by 9/30/24. To be eligible for prizes, you may register through 10/16/24.
Please check in here or on our Facebook and Instagram pages for up to date social media challenges and available prizes.
As in previous years you can create a team in honor of your family member with Down syndrome. You can include information about your family member, as well as include pictures and videos. Creating a team is easy, and a great way to get your friends and family involved in this fun event. When you go through the event registration process you will have the option to join an existing team, create a new team, or register without joining a team.

Teams are a great way to rally friends and family behind a loved one!
Team Piper has grown from 12 to 40 participants. It's an incredible day and as our team grows I've realized how much this means to Piper's friends to be a part-but most folks won't know to come unless you ask/invite them! SO get on [Classy] and create a team! Raise money so that we can continue all the awesome events next year and ensure that our kids with Ds know they are loved and supported! -Julia Slattery